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SNP Cafferonic Shampoo & Treatment Review


Siapa di sini yang suka minum kopi? 🙋‍♀️ Aku termasuk yang enggak pernah bisa skip 1 hari tanpa minum kopi. Bahasa kerennya, I can't function properly before I get my coffee hehe. Karena kesukaanku minum kopi itu, aku jadi suka banget sama semua hal yang berbau kopi, rasanya kalau nyium bau kopi tuh jadi lebih fresh dan segar aja. Nah, baru-baru ini aku nyobain produk baru dari SNP yang ada embel-embel kopinya nih, yaitu SNP Cafferonic Shampoo & Treatment! Wah, penasaran banget enggak sih sama performa produknya? Yuk, simak terus sampai akhir ya!

Who here likes coffee? ️ I'm one of those who can never skip a day without drinking coffee. In other words, I can't function properly before I get my coffee hehe. Because I like drinking coffee, I really like all things that smell of coffee, it feels like when I smell the smell of coffee, I feel refreshed and energized. Well, recently I tried a new product from SNP that has coffee as the main ingredient, namely SNP Cafferonic Shampoo & Treatment! Wow, aren't you curious about the performance of the product? Come on, stay tuned until the end!

Jadi di dalam series SNP Cafferonic ini ada 2 produk: Shampoo & Treatment (conditioner). Seperti biasa, aku bakal bahas dari kemasan luarnya dulu ya. SNP Cafferonic Shampoo & Treatment ini dikemas dalam botol yang mirip dengan produk skincare mereka si Peptaronic dan Cicaronic, cuma bedanya warna botolnya warna coklat kemerahan.  Yang shampoo isinya 500ml sementara untuk treatment isinya 310ml dengan harga masing-masing Rp180.000.  Botolnya dilengkapi dengan pump, jadi memudahkan untuk ngeluarin botolnya karena cuma perlu dipijit aja tanpa harus angkat-angkat botolnya karena tangan tuh suka licin ya kadang. Dari segi packaging pokoknya aku enggak ada keluhan, menurutku dia khas SNP banget, dan botolnya juga kamar mandi-friendly alias enggak perlu takut selip dari tangan atau insiden lainnya.

Untuk klaim produknya sendiri, SNP Cafferonic ini katanya sih bisa  membantu menutrisi dan melembabkan kulit kepala serta rambut kita  karena di dalamnya ada kandungan kopi arabica dan 5 jenis hyaluronic acid.

So in this Cafferonic SNP series there are 2 products: Shampoo & Treatment (conditioner). As usual, I'll talk about the outer packaging first. SNP Cafferonic Shampoo & Treatment is packaged in a bottle similar to their skincare products, Peptaronic and Cicaronic, only the color of the bottle is reddish brown. The shampoo contains 500 ml, while the treatment contains 310 ml at a price of IDR 180,000 each. The bottle is equipped with a pump, so it's easy to take the bottle out because you only need to massage it without having to lift the bottle because hands are slippery sometimes. In terms of packaging, I don't really have any complaints, I think he's very typical of SNP, and the bottle is also bathroom-friendly, aka you don't have to be afraid of slipping from your hands or other incidents.

For its own product claims, SNP Cafferonic is said to be able to help nourish and moisturize our scalp and hair because it contains Arabica coffee and 5 types of hyaluronic acid.

SNP Cafferonic Shampoo

Nah, sekarang kita bahas satu-satu mulai dari shampoonya dulu. SNP Cafferonic Shampoo mengandung beberapa kandungan utama yakni:  biji kopi arabica, 5 macam hyaluronic acid, 17 macam asam amino, dan 4 macam probiotik.  Seperti yang bisa kalian lihat, tekstur shampoonya bening, dan wanginya enaaak banget, wangi kopi yang cenderung ke arah manis. Waktu pertama pakai produknya dan nyium wanginya, langsung bikin mood aku jadi enak. Untuk cara pakainya sama aja ya dengan shampoo pada umumnya, tinggal basahi dulu rambut secara menyeluruh baru pakaikan produknya ke seluruh rambut. Untuk pemakaiannya sendiri sih enggak ada sensasi apa-apa ya pas kena kulit kepala, kan biasanya ada tuh shampoo yang suka ngasih rasa dingin, nah kalau SNP Cafferonic ini enggak.

Biasanya aku shampooan enggak lama-lama, aku pernah nonton di channel YouTube hairdresser luar negeri kalau shampooan itu memang enggak usah dilama-lamain. Jadi selama aku udah ngerasa shampoonya udah merata, yaudah lanjut bilas aja. Aku juga fokus shampooan di area kulit kepala, kalau bagian ujung cukup sekenanya.

Now, let's discuss one by one starting from the shampoo first. SNP Cafferonic Shampoo contains several main ingredients, namely: arabica coffee beans, 5 kinds of hyaluronic acid, 17 kinds of amino acids, and 4 kinds of probiotics. As you can see, the texture of the shampoo is clear, and it smells really good, the smell of coffee tends to be sweet. When I used the product for the first time and smelled the fragrance, it immediately put me in a good mood. For how to use it, it's the same as shampoo in general, all you have to do is wet your hair thoroughly and then apply the product all over your hair. As for the use itself, there is no sensation when it hits the scalp, usually there are shampoos that like to give a cool feeling, so it's not SNP Cafferonic.

Usually I don't shampoo for long, I've watched on the foreign hairdresser's YouTube channel if the shampoo doesn't have to be prolonged. So as long as I feel the shampoo is evenly distributed, then just rinse it off. I also focus on shampooing in the scalp area, if the ends are quite casual.

SNP Cafferonic Treatment

Nah setelah selesai shampooan, lanjut pakai SNP Cafferonic Treatment alias conditionernya. Teksturnya sih sama aja juga ya kayak conditioner pada umumnya, putih dan agak berminyak, lebih licin juga di tangan. SNP Cafferonic Treatment memiliki kandungan yang sama dengan shampoonya yakni: biji kopi arabica, 5 macam hyaluronic acid, 17 macam asam amino, dan 4 macam probiotik. Wanginya sendiri sih mirip dengan varian shampoonya, kopi yang cenderung manis.

Untuk conditionernya aku pakai cukup di ujung rambut aja, karena memang udah jadi kebiasaan kalau conditioner aku pakainya enggak sampai di kulit kepala. Conditioner cenderung bikin lebih berminyak, makanya disebut treatment karena dia lebih ke arah penanganan khusus untuk kondisi rambut tertentu aja. Kondisi rambutku memang kering banget di ujungnya, makanya kenapa conditioner cuma aku pakai di ujung aja untuk menghindari kulit kepala jadi berminyak dan bikin rambut cepat lepek.

Now, after finishing shampooing, continue using SNP Cafferonic Treatment aka conditioner. The texture is the same as a conditioner in general, white and a bit oily, more slippery in the hands too. SNP Cafferonic Treatment contains the same ingredients as the shampoo, namely: arabica coffee beans, 5 kinds of hyaluronic acid, 17 kinds of amino acids, and 4 kinds of probiotics. The scent itself is similar to the shampoo variant, the coffee tends to be sweet.

For the conditioner, I only use it at the ends of my hair, because it's a habit that I don't use conditioner to reach my scalp. Conditioner tends to make it more oily, that's why it's called a treatment because it's more towards special treatment for certain hair conditions. My hair is really dry at the ends, that's why I only use conditioner at the ends to prevent my scalp from becoming oily and making my hair limp.

Aku udah pakai kedua produk ini selama dua minggu terakhir, dan aku merasa rambutku jadi enggak bervolume. Aku biasanya keramas 2 hari sekali, enggak bisa lebih dari itu karena memang kulit kepalaku cepat berminyak dan kalau udah berminyak bakal jadi gatal. Mungkin itu kenapa rambutku jadi kelihatan kurang bervolume karena produk ini terlalu melembabkan kulit kepalaku. Bukan berarti produknya enggak oke ya, tapi kurang tepat aja untuk aku. Aku juga menyayangkan wanginya yang kurang nempel di kepala apalagi setelah selesai keramas, padahal wanginya enak banget! Untuk shampoo dan conditionernya sendiri mereka enggak susah untuk dibilas, dan enggak bikin kulit kepala jadi gatal setelahnya. Menurutku produk ini akan cocok banget buat kalian yang kulit kepalanya super duper kering sih.

I've been using both of these products for the past two weeks, and I feel like my hair is losing volume. I usually wash my hair every 2 days, I can't do more than that because my scalp gets oily quickly and when it's oily it gets itchy. Maybe that's why my hair looks less voluminous because this product is too moisturizing for my scalp. That's not to say the product isn't good, but it's just not right for me. I also regret that the scent doesn't stick to my head, especially after washing it, even though it smells really good! As for the shampoo and conditioner, they are not difficult to rinse off, and don't make the scalp itchy afterward. I think this product will be perfect for those of you who have super duper dry scalp.

Oke deh, segitu dulu aja review hari ini, jangan lupa nih buat follow akun di Instagram supaya kalian enggak ketinggalan sama promo yang lagi berlangsung! Dan untuk teman-teman yang mau cobain SNP Cafferonic Shampoo & Treatment, kalian bisa cek langsung aja ke toko online resmi SNP di:

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